LTE News

    LTEWatch H-Edition


    New Member
    Somehow, after i completely uninstall the program, and fresh re install it, it still knows the login password, which proves that its not a complete fresh install. This may be the reason a fresh install is not helping now.


    New Member
    Synology RT2600 + E3372 Huawei Stick
    I managed to catch this error. You'll lose the connection duration, but the rest should work.
    The software can be found in the beta directory.


    New Member
    YOU ARE A LEGEND, thanks Gasel, From across the ocean.
    And once again, thank you for making the only band locking application and signal monitoring app in the world!
    Honestly I feel privileged to be able to make contact with you!


    New Member
    Synology RT2600 + E3372 Huawei Stick
    It's a bit exaggerated :)...

    Somehow, after i completely uninstall the program, and fresh re install it, it still knows the login password, which proves that its not a complete fresh install. This may be the reason a fresh install is not helping now.

    There are some informations stored in the Registry at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\LTEInspecteur, but it does not affect the program.

    Can you tell me how the "Connected since" label is shown?


    New Member
    Synology RT2600 + E3372 Huawei Stick
    OK l, im living in probably the most corrupt place on earth, so it wouldn't surprise me if they were disguising a 2100 mhz signal as B28 to keep customers quiet.
    here is a detailed log.

    I looked at your log about the frequency band. Your frequency seems to be 2100 MHz which corresponds to band 23.

    Unfortunately, this band is not provided in LTEInspecteur, but I do not understand why the router validates 700 MHz frequency .
    You can see in the log <LTEBand>8000000</LTEBand> which applys to band 28 (700 Mhz).
    Can you try automatic mode and send me another log?


    New Member
    At first start, the new one gave question marks like this

    but after a couple of attempts at selecting new frequncies, its gone back to showing a new connection duration

    Nothing wrong with that, in my opinion, I would say it would not be easy to use the connection.
    So, no exaturation, what i say saying, is no one else laid out the signal data in graphs in an easy-to-understand way for the everyday person. In the not a signal expert and i am able to understand the performance of my connection, only with these graphs. No other programmer has managed to think about the average person and make it simple to
    I put it to you, that would be a priceless tool for professional 4G antenna installers worldwide.

    now, the automatic frequency select has since become unselectable, i cant use automatic now, it used to work, but now this new version it doesnt like it.


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    New Member
    Synology RT2600 + E3372 Huawei Stick
    Well, thank you for the answer.

    Huawei routers are very difficult to manage, because of the lack of API documentation.
    Automatic mode is a good example : some routers accept 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF as parameter for automatic frequency selection while others require 20880800C5 or 20800800C5.
    Obviously, you live in a country with different frequency standards as in Europe, and may be the parameter is still different.

    Btw, you can try selecting "Automatic" several times. In some cases, the router eventually swallows it.

    Can you choose the automatic frequency in the web interface of the router, then run LTEInspecteur and tell me the fourth value in the status bar at the bottom (just before the number of ms) ?
    With this information, I will probably be able to do something for you :)...


    New Member
    yes i think its throwing the error and just reverting to automatic anyway, meaning, it is selecting aggregation and all the router's available bands are then automatically selected.
    I will run the automatic test for you tomorrow and get back to you with those figures.

    as for the strange issue with the 2100 mhz frequency display, it simply cannot be possible, as the provider i use, Globe telecom Philippines, does not use any 2100 mhz frequencies for LTE, only for UMTS. (3G HSPA)
    If you're interested, a bit about me and my situation:
    I am an aussie, living in a dirty river valley in the remote jungle on the island of Cebu, Philippines, where there is absolutely no telecommunications infrastructure for 15 km over hilly terrain, so I'm using this program to lock to band 28 700 mhz, which this country has recently started rolling out around its more populated islands. There are lots of Band 3 (1800) towers around which are completely useless because their congested signals are too noisy and cant reach us with a usable signal. Now that i have this program up and running, our remote village has a 15 mbps downlink and 30 mbps uplink during off peak times. Keep in mind, the average speedtest result for our provider is 7.7 mbps according to, so we are pretty lucky to have this connection.
    I am using a 700 mhz parabolic dish on the primary antenna and am finding that any external antenna for the diversity antenna is significantly increasing the signal quality, but completely hampering the downlink, possibly due to interference from the primary antenna, or possibly from all the cellphones communicating with the other towers between myself and the main 700mhz tower 15 km away.
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    New Member
    wel, fuck me. have you ever heard of such disgusting business tactics, disguising a product as something else. Ive just gone and spent 150 AUD on 700 mhz infrastructure because they advertised that is what i was using. Absolute animals in this country.
    This would explain why i lsot so much signal quality between the time i was back workign in australia, and my return here last month.

    It looks as if this supreme court ruling was in favor of the complainant, and globe telecom just kept all there 700 mhz customers quiet by disguising something else as B28


    New Member
    My router isnt capable of B23. This is the list in the API.
    LTE BC1/LTE BC3/LTE BC7/LTE BC8/LTE BC28/LTE BC40 80080000c5 All bands 7fffffffffffffff

    This is a subset of the Huawei B525s-65a for the model destined for Australia.
    The international model only supports bands 1/3/4/5/7/8/20/19/26/28/32/38/40/41 so i cant see how this router could possibly achieve a connection to a B23 signal, even if it was disguised as such. the hardware shouldn't be able to tune in to it surely??
    Im not doubting you, im just trying to understand it fully.


    New Member
    Synology RT2600 + E3372 Huawei Stick
    rebuilder86: I only said that according to the EARFCN, the frequency was 2100 MHz, but it's just a theoretical calculation. I think the real band is 700 Mhz, but that EARFCN information is wrong on the router.

    Have you tried the latest version of LTEInspecteur? There are some useful improvements like the RF Margin. This indicator aims to synthesize all the others.

    And if you find the program useful, there is even a PayPal button to donate ;).
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    New Member
    yes but what is the likelihood of huawei, specialists in this technology, getting that wrong? I would say that is highly unlikely.
    Id say its more likely that you have identified the real issue with my connection which became an issue in december when the signal quality dropped significantly.
    If you see my first post from this chain of posts, you will see the screenshot of the upo and downlink values before the problem started. Ill post it again for clarity.

    That was a screenshot from your program last year, it was showing a more reasonably Downlink frequency of 604 mhz, still not part of the official band 28 (starting at 703 mhz) but at least a low frequency.
    unfortunately i dont have a log from last year, only that screenshot.
    Since then, that court case i showed you the link for has been. so i suspect they have lost these frequencies, and are disguising the high frequency signals as B28 so that their home fixed wireless subscribers modems are still able to connect. They sold a lot of hardware designed for B28 and advertised it as twice as fast because it would penetrate and travel further.

    Now could you imagine the backlash they would receive if they left those customers in the shit? their stupid solution, i suspect, has been to just make use of these vacant frequencies i found in the Philippines national telecommuncations commisions documentation. foudn here :


    The uplink is apparently band 22 at about 3500 mhz, and i suspect they are using this vacant block for this.

    Both of these frequency badns have 15 mhz slots available, so they are a perfect match.


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    New Member


    New Member
    hello I have the E5186 and use LTEwatch program. I would like to know what is the URL of the E5186 that is usde to log in with LTEwatch. My log says
    09:46:51.206 set Language to: en-US
    09:46:53.406 Routine started... LTEWatch [H] version 1.1 Release Candidate 1 (Build timestamp: 03/10/2017 05:05:54)
    09:46:53.530 set Language to: en-US
    09:46:53.531 timer started => 1,5s
    09:46:53.656 csrf_token => iB/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    09:46:53.656 SessionID cookie => SessionID=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    09:46:54.028 __RequestVerificationTokenone => XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    09:46:54.028 SessionID cookie update by login => SessionID=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    09:46:54.028 Login was successful...
    09:46:54.032 fetching Drive / MonitoringStatus Data...
    09:46:54.171 E5186s-22a (21.316.01.00.07) detect
    09:46:54.183 fetching Provider / NetMode Data...
    09:46:54.262 net-mode LTE Band => 0 => automatically
    09:46:54.292 Provider => Free full => (Free)
    09:46:54.505 Add StartTraffic D: 133604459
    09:46:57.512 timer stopped
    09:46:57.536 routine exit

    so i see no URL in this.


    New Member
    komischerweise funktioniert weder ltewatch noch lteinspector bei meinem b535. es hat hilink.
    mit diesem tool funktioniert es aber:
    leider hat es keine gui und daher würde ich gerne die anderen beiden benutzen.


    01:10:49.452 set Language to: de-DE
    01:10:51.657 Routine started... LTEWatch [H] version 1.1 Release Candidate 1 (Build timestamp: 03.10.2017 05:05:54)
    01:10:51.784 set Language to: de-DE
    01:10:51.785 timer started => 1,5s
    01:10:51.891 Login was successful... (Token method)
    01:10:51.893 fetching Drive / MonitoringStatus Data...
    01:10:51.902 Fetch Drive Error!
    01:10:51.935 Fetch Monitoring Error!
    01:10:51.936 fetching Drive / MonitoringStatus Data failed!
    01:10:51.936 ConnectionStatus Error => 0
    01:10:53.349 set Language to: de-DE
    01:11:05.405 set Language to: de-DE
    01:11:05.435 timer stopped


    vorallem sowas:
    2019.11.26 00:13:53:62 - GET call:
    2019.11.26 00:13:53:62 - Verbindung fehlgeschlagen!
    2019.11.26 00:14:02:51 - GET Error: 100003 sur

    komisch ist aber das es auf modus "automatisch" bei neustart des programms manchmal teilweise funktionert.
    dann aber wieder nicht, sobald ich irgendwas anklicke. vorallem ständig "Error: 100003" im log

    mein router zeigt das band so:

    huawei_band_tool.exe --show-band
    Current Network Mode: 03
    Current Network Band: 2000000400000
    Current LTE Band: 20880800C5 (800+900+1800+2100+2600+2600|TDD)

    das mdma tool funktioniert auch nicht.

    bitte um hilfe!


    New Member
    Es gibt noch ein Problem beim B818: dort wird RSRQ nicht angezeigt. Der Grund ist denke ich, dass der B818 RSRQ mit einer Dezimalstelle anzeigt in api/device/info. Könnte das bitte jemand fixen? Leider gibt es ja keinen source...